Explain Rollover Buttons?

The  most  common  usage  of  dynamic  HTML  is  the image roll over.
The technique  is   used  to  give  visual   feed  back  about   the  location  of  the  mouse Cursor by  changing   the   images on  the page  as  the  mouse  over   them.

The  java script  code  doesn’t   directly  manipulate  the image. If  you need  to change  the actual   image  then you ought  to  investigate  Active x, flash or  java  programming.

java script   rollover  is  far  simpler  because  it  uses  two   image  files  which  it  swaps  between as  the mouse  is  moved.

one  image  is  created  for the  inactive state  when  the  mouse  is  not  over  it.

A second  image  is  created for  the  active  state  when  the mouse  cursor  is  placed  over it.


< script language = “javascript” >
var  topon, topoff;
function preLoad ( )
  topon=new Image (30,40);
  topon.src= “c:\sss.jpg”;
  topoff= new  Image(30,40);
  top off.src= “c:\s3 .jpg”;
function myMouseOn(n)
   Imageon  =  eval(n+ “on.src”);
   document.images[0].src =Imageon;
function myMouseOff(n)
    Imageoff =eval(n+ “off.src”);
    document . images[0].src=Imageoff;
 < /script >
 < body  onLoad=  “preLoad( )>
 < a onMouseover  = “myMouseOn (‘top’)”  onMouseOut     = “myMouseOff(‘top’)” >
 < img  src = “c:\ss.jpg”  height = “300” width= “400”/>
 < /a >
 < /body >


The on  load event  happens when  the  page  is  first  loaded  in to   the  browser.

on mouse over calls  a  java script   function  when  the  cursor  moves away  from  the  image.

on mouse out  calls  a  function  when  the  cursor  moves  away  from  the  image.

preload ( ) makes  a new  object  for  each  image.

These  are   all instances of  the  java script  Image object  and  you’ll need two  for each location.One  for when the mouse is  over the image  and  one  for  when it  isn’t.

Each  image object  holds  the  size  of  the  image and  the  location of  the  actual  image  file In   the  src  parameter.

Two  functions  remain : my mouse on and  my mouse off . Both  work in  the same way so I’ll just  examine mymouseon.

The  functions is  called  when  the   on mouse over event  is  triggered. The  function  receives The name of the  image  as  a parameter:

On mouse over = “my mouse on (‘top’)”;

I created two objects called  top on and top off  the  first part  of  the  name.

The  following line of code  chooses  the object  and  then  passes  its src value (the file name) in to a  temporary  variable:

Imageon =eval  (n+ “on.src”) ;

Eval :- java script  can build  expressions  dynamically. This  feature is  available to you through eval .

When  your  scripts need  to  process   information  which  won’t  be  available  until  run time  you can  place that information  in to  an expression as  it  becomes  available.


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