Give a Overview of Java Language? (or) Types of programs created in Java

Java is a general purpose object oriented programming language. We can develop two types of java programs:

  • Stand – alone applications
  • Web applets
java types

Stand – alone applications:- 

Stand – alone application are programs written in java to carry out certain tasks on a stand – alone local computer. Executing a stand –alone java program involves two steps:

  1. Compiling source code into byte code using javac  compiler.
  2. Executing the byte code program using java interpreter.
Web Applets:- 

Applet are small java programs developed for Internet applications. An applet located on a distant computer (Server) can downloaded via internet and executed on a local computer (Client) using a java – capable browser. We can develop applets for doing everything from simple animated graphics to complex games and utilities. Since applets are embedded in an HTML document and run inside a web page, creating running applets are more complex than creating an application.

Stand – alone programs can read and write files and perform certain operations that applets can’t do. An applet can only run within a web browser.


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