Explain Various Views In Power Point?

Power point offers different views for entering, editing and previewing your information.

1. Normal view: - Normal view displays there panes –the outline pane, the slide pane and the notes pane. The three panes allow you to work on all aspects of the presentation in one place. 

2. Outline view: - It is easy to rearrange the individual line items while in outline view and we can collapse items in this view that you can see just heading or just the name of each slide.

3. Slide view: - Slide view shows you how your finished slide will look. You will see  background colours or shades of Gray so forth.

4. Slider sorter view:- Slide sorter view lets you see thumbnails (reduced size slide images), while in slide sorter view you can drag slides to move them.

5. Note space view:- Use the note space view to create and see notes to the presenter. It shows a miniature slide image and provides a text area for presenters note.

6. Slide show view:- Use the slide show view to help rehears or for actual video presentation of finished show when you switch to slide show view, you will see the slide you were working on in the preview view to move forward press space bar, click the primary mouse button or use right arrow to move forward and use left arrow to move backward.

To leave slide show view press escape ( ESC) or choose end show from top up menu. 


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