How to Establish a Relationship Between Tables?

A data base normally consist more than one table. In order to link from one table to another table, we can create relationships, i.e., a link between two (Or) more tables with a common key field in both the tables.

For example when we create two tables and the first table containing the fields employee No, Employee name, Department number, and salary. The second table containing department name and department no therefore you relate both the table by establishing relationship with the common key field no, department no.

The following are the steps to establish the relationship between the tables.

1) Click on the tools option and select relationship.

2) Select table one and click on add icon so that table -1 goes in a relationship.

3) Now select the table two and again click on add icon button.

4) Close the table by clicking close button.

5) In order to provide a relationship click on department no field in table two.

6) Drag the mouse starting from the first common field from table 1 to table 2.

7) Then the edit relationship screen appears. Click on create icon in edit relationship screen.

8) Now close the above screen. After save the information, the relationship exists between the table.

We can select the fields in both the tables and easily get the required reporter query once a relationship is established.


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