What is a Business Rule, its purpose in Data Modelling?

When database designers
selecting / determining the entities, Attributes, relationships etc. That are
used to build a Data model with a thorough understands., viz.
1. What types of data are
used in an organization.
2. How the data are used.
3. What reports that they
need after processing?
From the
database point of view, the collection of data becomes meaningful only when it
reflects properly defined business rules.
Thus, a
business rule is a brief, precise and unambiguous description of a Policy,
Procedure, or Principle within a specific organization.
Business rules,
thus, derived from a detailed description of an Organization’s operations, that
help to create and enforce actions within that organization’s environment.
To be
effective, Business rules must be in written, properly defined, easy to
understand to every person in the Organization., shares a common
interpretation of the rules.
Some of the
Example of Business rules are,
i) A customer may generate many invoices
ii) An invoice is generated by only one customer
iii) A training session cannot be scheduled for fewer than 10
employees or for more than 30 employees., etc.
Purpose of Business Rules:
The business rules are
essential to Database designer for several reasons, such as
a) They help standardize the Company's view of
b) They can be a
communication tool in between users and designers
c) They allow the designer to
understand the nature, role and scope of Data
d) They allow the designer to
understand business processes
e) They allow the DB designer
to understand to develop appropriate relationship participation rules and
constraints to create an accurate data model....so on.