HCL Recruitment Process

HCL Recruitment Process

Company Overview

HCL Technologies is an IT specialist corporation works in the field of programming improvement. It was established in 1976 and headquartered in Noida, India. The main benefits provided by the company are R&D and Technology administrations, BPO Services, IT Hardware, Enterprise and Applications Consulting, Remote Infrastructure Management, and so on. HCL Technologies are working around the world over 32 nations and has around 116,000+ employees.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Candidate must have 60% throughout in academics (class X, XII, Graduation, and Post-Graduation).
  2. No education gap of more than one year.
  3. Candidate should have good knowledge of C, C++, and JAVA.
  4. Engineering Candidates of 2018 are eligible to apply.

Selection Process:

The selection process of the company consists of 3 rounds. These rounds are as follows:
The Pattern of Written Exams:

SectionsNo of Questions
Quantitative Ability15
Technical Ability15

Note: The total time given to the question is 60 minutes. There is no negative marking in the exam.

Round 1: The first round consists of 60 Multiple Choice Question. There is no negative marking. This test would cover the following topics.

Quantitative Ability

  • Number System
  • HCF & LCM
  • Average
  • Profit & Loss
  • Percentage
  • Time, Speed & Distance

Reasoning Ability

  • Coding-Decoding
  • Blood Relation
  • Series
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Statement and Arguments


  • Spotting Errors
  • Antonyms
  • Synonyms
  • One Word Substitution
  • Ordering of Sentences
Technical Ability: In this Section, they asked the question on JAVA, Operating System, C++, Networking and DBMS.

Round 2: In this round, they asked the technical questions from JAVA, OOPS, C Language, DBMS.

Round 3: The third round is HR interview. Students who clear the technical round are eligible for this round.

You may expect HR round like:
  1. Tell us about yourself.
  2. Why should we hire you?
  3. What is the difference between Confidence and Over-Confidence?
  4. How do you feel about working nights and weekends?
  5. Can you work under pressure?
  6. What makes me angry?
  7. Where do you see yourself five years from now?
  8. How much salary do you expect?
  9. Why did you leave from your previous job?
  10. On the scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer.
Most frequently asked technical questions in HCL.
  1. What do you mean by Class Cast Exception?
  2. Differentiate between Primary key and a Unique key.
  3. Why java is considered as dynamic?
  4. What is joins in SQL?
  5. Differentiate between Method Overloading and Method Overriding.
  6. What is the purpose of finalize () method in Java?
  7. What is Synchronization?
  8. What is the function of DBMS?
  9. Difference between Abstract class and Interface.
  10. What is the purpose of "Register" Keyword?


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